Meadows Field

Hey, remember when a bag of honey shut down our “international” airport?

Have you ever stood anxiously gazing out a window at your suitcase being rained on for 45 minutes, while an employee tells you that “It isn’t my problem”? I have. But that isn’t why MF airport is a failure. It’s a failure because I haven’t met one person who works there who actually likes being there. Meadows Field lacks customer orientation. I have no pride in that airport, because it has no pride in itself. Sure, it has a nice little pointless gift shop, and easy access to rental cars. But it would be nice if someone who works there would…try to fucking smile every now and then.

Pretty soon, the only use we will have for the William M. Thomas Terminal is free WiFi access. Why? Because THEY KEEP CANCELING FLIGHTS…FOREVER! Where the fuck CAN you fly to from Bakersfield these days? Bakersfield was supposed to be an international hub. There is nothing international about it! So, where can I go? Denver, Phoenix, LA, and San Francisco. Two of these destinations (LA and SF), I can reach CHEAPER if I drove.

Let’s take a look at their website: …Its called a “WEB DESIGNER.” Hire ONE! Need a push in the right direction? Try Ugly Duck Marketing. They make good shit. Oh, and fix your DEAD LINKS! WANNA SEE ONE!?

And did you really need a new multi-million dollar fire truck during one of the biggest financial disasters in American history? Give me 10 firemen, some F-150s and a bottle of Arrowhead, and I’ll protect your damn runway for cheaper than that. We have Kern County seasonal fire fighters (WHO WILL BE NEEDED), who won’t be hired back this year because of budget cuts. At least our hickville airport has a shiny new toy.

Whatever, here is a favorite quote of mine about that place:

“You can take the airport out of the dale, but you can’t take the dale out of the airport.”

Here is an open invitation to post your grief about our totally cool airport.

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